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- "Babies are such a nice way to start people."-Don Herold.
- "Bother!" said Pooh, as he forgot which Tagline he was going to use.
- "Great! Now he's as crazy as you are!"
- "I'm not confused. I'm just well mixed."<Robert Frost>
- "It's not I who am Crazy...It's I who am MAAAADDD!!!!!!!"
- "My family says Im a psycopath, but the voices in my head disagree.."
- "Not a morning person" doesn't even begin to cover it.
- "Now that I've made up my mind, don't confuse me with the truth."
- "Some days it just isn't worth chewing through the restraints."
- ***** WARNING! ***** Brain cramp in progress!
- *Being paranoid doesn't mean they _aren't_ out to get you!
- *Split personality? Who, us?
- ...but I forgot all about the Amnesia Conference!!
- 5 out of 10 analysts say I'm insane. But that's NOT a majority!
- 80-hour workweeks make Jack a blubbering psychopath.
- ?? Fatal Logic Error - Engage Brain and (R)etry
- A clean desk = compulsive and/or bored.
- A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind!!!!
- A clean disk is the sign of a warped drive.
- A clean mind is the sign of a sick desk.
- A Clever Tagline Is A Sign Of A Sick Mind
- A diamond is only a lump of coal that did well under pressure.
- A good catchword can obscure analysis for fifty years.
- A good frame of mind... but no picture.
- A mind is a terrible thing to...uhhh...I forget...
- A production of the digitally insane.
- A sick mind is not necessarily the sign of a clean desk.
- A wholesome mind is wasted potential.
- After you've said goodbye to sanity say hello to a sysop.
- All Insanity Meter: ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ°° 90%
- All stressed out and no one to choke!
- All things considered, insanity may be the only reasonable alternative.
- Alt.graphics.gif.naughty.filty.disgusting.wow!
- Always remember, never forget... Uhh... what was I saying?
- Alzheimer's advantage #2: Hiding your own Easter eggs
- Alzheimer's Club: Meet the same new friend every day.
- ALZHEIMER.COM found . . . Out of . . . something . . .
- Alzheimers is very ... ah ... umm ... I forget!
- Am I at Wits End, Or just stuck in my chair?
- Am I hallucinating or something??
- Am I ignorant or apathetic? I don't know and don't care!
- Am I the only one who has had this thought????
- Am I wise, or otherwise? <grin>
- AMA EXTRA: Brain Tumors can be caused by Achey Breaky Heart Dancing!
- Amazing what caffeine and no sense of self-preservation can do...
- And bammmm!, Just when you think you know who you are, you are wrong!
- And everyone around us appears skewed...
- And I thought *I* had strange problems!
- And I thought I was confused when I =didn't= know what was going on...
- And now, my head will implode. [SCHULMPFH]
- And, pray tell, whose imagination are you a figment of?
- Another casualty of abnormal sanity!
- Another casualty of the seduction of insanity.
- Another day, another million synapses...
- Any certainty is a delusion.
- Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist ought to have his head examined.
- Apathy Error - don't bother pressing any keys.
- Are strawberries supposed to have grey fur?
- Are the noises in my head bothering you?
- Are we all being disintegrated, or is it just me?
- Are you going to come quietly, or do I have to use earplugs?
- Are you out of my mind?
- Argue with yourself and LOSE???-- PROBLEM!!.
- ASCII stupid question...get a stupid ANSI.
- Ask me about my lobotomy.
- Attitude adjustments $29.95. Alignment extra.
- Be a better psychiatrist, world will beat a psychopath to your door.
- Being multiple means never having to say "Who, me?"
- Being normal isn't one of my strengths.
- Brace your self, worse attacks on your reason are coming along.
- Brain cell currently disengaged ...
- Brain damage? No thanks, I have some already.
- Brain Disengaged; Call Back Tomorrow.
- Brain fried -- Core dumped
- Brain over-insert coin.
- BRAIN.COM file closed. (A)rgue (R)etry (F)orget It
- BROADCAST MESSAGE AT 4:45pm. Brain going down. IMMEDIATELY.
- But I'm feeling MUCH better now!
- But my little voice TOLD me to do it!
- But what if I'm a figment of MY imagination?
- Call me crazy! I can live without ICONS!
- Call me mad, will you? You'll see! You'll *ALL* see!!
- Can't use Windows, have single tasking brain and fingers.
- CAUTION! Blown Brain At Work!
- Claiming mental bankruptcy is always an easy option.
- Crisis: When your fortune cookie contradicts your horoscope.
- Danger! **Attention Span Exceeded!**
- Danger. Serious confusion has arisen.
- DENIAL: [D]on't [E]ven k[N]ow [I] [A]m [L]ying
- Did you ever stop to think, and then forget to restart?
- Did you format your brain this morning by accident?
- Didja ever stop and think, and forget to start again?
- Didn't I meet you in some other hallucination?
- Didn't see it, didn't do it, don't have the t-shirt.
- DO NOT ADJUST YOUR MIND - the fault is with reality.
- Do not disturb - I'm disturbed enough already
- Doesn't EVERYBODY wear straightjackets?
- Don't be so open minded your brains fall out.
- Don't even bother bringing up reality here.....
- Don't even TRY to THINK without proper tools.
- Don't give up your sapience without a fight.
- Don't let stress kill you off - let someone help!
- Don't let your mind wander. It's too little to be let out alone.
- Don't mind me, I've just lost my mind.
- Don't trust doctors, they once said you were sane.
- Drain bamage? No thanks, I already have some.
- Each of us contains an element of insanity.
- Egad! I can *feel* my mind boggling...
- ERROR #34BB: Thought not found: Reformat Brain (Y/N)?
- Even if you're paranoid maybe they're really after you.
- Even paranoids have enemies.
- Ever get the feeling someone is watching you?
- Ever get the feeling your guardian angel is laughing?
- Ever stop to think and forget to start again?
- Every mighty oak was once a nut that stood it's ground.
- Every morning is the dawn of a new error...
- Every muscle tensed to fence the enemy within.
- Everybody is somebody else's weirdo.
- Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.
- Everyone hates me because I'm paranoid.
- EVERYONE is weird. Some of us are proud of it.
- Everyone's watching YOU now...
- Excuse me, but did I say that? Doesn't sound like me...
- Excuse me, I'm just weirded out at the moment.
- Experiencing synaptical difficulties; Please stand by.
- Experiencing Synoptical Difficulties, Please Stand By.
- Foolproof systems don't take into account the ingenuity of fools.
- For I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words Bother me.
- For some, reality is an illusion.
- For the non-discriminating, non-judgemental, psychotic, all around
- For the non-discriminating, non-judgemental, psychotic, all around Nut.
- God created cats so men could learn to understand women.
- Gone crazy, be back later, please leave message
- Gotta' get back to Reality...now where is that stupid Blue Dragon.
- Great! My rat has been cashing my reality checks again!
- Half a mind is a terrible thing to waste!
- Has anyone found my marbles?
- Has anyone seen my sanity?
- Has anyone seen my sanity? If so, shoot it!
- Have you seen my mind? It was wandering again
- He played a Sanity card! AARRGGH!
- He's a couple of channels short of Basic Cable!
- He's a couple of fries short of a Happy Meal!
- He's a few bits short of a byte.
- Headaches are all in your mind!
- Help me quick! Someone must have turned reality back on.
- Help stamp out mental illness, or I'll kill you.
- Help! Help! The paranoids are after me!
- Here comes Sanity, here comes Sanity, right down therapy lane.
- Here Strange ain't Strange!!! It Normal!!
- Hey! This is just like the REAL world!
- Hi-Ho Hi-Ho, it's off to the institution I go!
- Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense
- Honk if you love peace and quiet.
- Hospitality: Making guests feel at home, even if you wish they were.
- Housework never killed anyone, but why take the chance!
- How could anything alter reality for $9.95?
- Humph - seems my memory randomly forgets.
- Hysteria ... ^%#)%^@{]@!]|%#@+
- I am a deeply superficial person.
- I am a mental tourist, My mind wanders!
- I am committed--or should be.
- I am not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.
- I am NOT a slob! I'm hygenically challenged.
- I am NOT Paranoid! And why are you always watching me??
- I am perfectly sane, and so am I.
- I am schizophrenic, and so am I.
- I am tired of reality. I am going to read taglines.
- I am trying to find myself. Anyone seen me lately?
- I came, I saw, I got lost .. I'M STILL HERE! HELP!
- I can do 2 things at once and I'm not confused.
- I can handle reality in small doses.
- I can't remember if I used to know that.
- I can't remember the last time I forgot something.
- I did not escape!...they gave me a day pass.
- I didn't lose my mind; it's here somewhere.
- I do whatever my rice crispies tell me to do
- I don't *do* dishes, I don't *do* mornings, I don't *do* reality.
- I don't advocate sex & insanity... but they work for me.
- I don't care about apathy.
- I don't need you to depress me, I can do that on my own!
- I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!
- I don't suffer from insanity. I love it!!!
- I don't want to be a cynic, but it's hard...
- I doubt, therefore I might be
- I downloaded my brain. Why are my blanks still disk?
- I feel it. My mind. It's going. I feel it.
- I forgot where I left my short term memory!
- I got it all together, then forgot where I put it.
- I got lost in thought, it was a very unfamiliar territory...
- I gotta bad feeling about this...
- I Had a brain scan the other day, thank god it turned up negative!
- I had a dislocated funny bone <OUCH> but it's better now.
- I had a thought, and I lost it.. nothing new.
- I have a firm grip on reality. Now I can strangle it!
- I have a great memory... it's just a little short.
- I have a photographic memory, but I've run out of film.
- I have a photographic memory. What's your name again???
- I have a rock garden. Last week, three of them died.
- I have an open mind: My brains keep falling out!
- I have dynamic memory, it needs refreshing...
- I have erased the thin line between genius and insanity....
- I have found insanity to be an aid in writing taglines.
- I have lost my mind, but it must be backed-up somewhere.
- I have to think twice before I give it a second thought.
- I have tried relaxing but somehow I just feel better all up-tight.
- I live in a house, but belong in a HOME.
- I live in my own world... Peaceful visitors welcome...
- I Made A Mental Note, But Forgot Where I Put It ...
- I may be lost, but I'm way ahead of schedule.
- I may be surrounded by insanity, but I'm not insane!
- I may look busy,but I'm just confused!
- I NEVER! exaggerate-I just remember REALLY big!!!
- I often daydream about my inability to fantasize.
- I plead not guilty by reason of computer-induced insanity.
- I plead temporary insanity.
- I saw Elvis. He sat between me and Bigfoot on the UFO.
- I see no humor here, I can only laugh at the thought.
- I see that you weren't fully debugged before release.
- I think ... therefore I am obviously overqualified.
- I think I think, therefore I might be.
- I think, therefoe I am DANGEROUS.
- I think, therefore I am..... I think
- I tried to contain myself, but I escaped
- I used to be a sci fi fan. Then I started living it.
- I used to be normal, then I got my computer...
- I used to be sane, but I got better.
- I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now.
- I was moderate once. Now anything goes.
- I was normal once, but I got better.
- I was the next door kid's imaginary friend.
- I wish I was more like I think I am.
- I wish you humans would leave me alone.
- I'd get therapy, but insanity is cheaper. And more fun.
- I'd give you a piece of my mind, but I'm on the last one.
- I'd love to, but I'm uncomfortable when I'm alone or with others
- I'd love to, but you know how we psychos are.
- I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy!
- I'd rather lose my memory than my..ummm...ahhh...never mind.
- I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats..
- I'll be lost in the ozone for a while.
- I'll panic if I bloody well want to.......
- I'm a paranoid schizophrenic always out to get myself...
- I'm a schitzophrenic and so am I!!!
- I'm an absolute, off-the-wall fanatical moderate.
- I'm an apathetic sociopath - I'd kill you if I cared.
- I'm clinging to sanity by a thread. Hand me those scissors.
- I'm Crazy but not Stupid.. I think....
- I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing.
- I'm feeling homicidal--say ANYTHING
- I'm getting better but I forgot the subject!!
- I'm going to plead temporary insanity. How about you?
- I'm gonna plead insanity, what about you?
- I'm heavily armed, easily bored and off my medication.
- I'm here because I'm not all there.
- I'm here in reality as an illegal alien.
- I'm in here for being crazy, not stupid.
- I'm in search of myself. Have you seen me anywhere?
- I'm losing my thought of train....
- I'm nervous and my socks are too loose.
- I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing.
- I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.
- I'm not a pessimest, just an optimist with a lot of experience.
- I'm not confused, I'm just well-mixed.
- I'm not crazy, I just don't give a &*$#.
- I'm not crazy, I'm chlorinated.
- I'm not crazy. I just have a unique sense of reality.
- I'm not homo-phobic, I'm homo-cidic....
- I'm not hostile! I'll kill the #%! that said that!
- I'M NOT IN A #@#(*) BAD MOOD YOU #@#@(* @#@*(@
- I'm not insane...I'm just surreal! :^)
- I'm not lost - just misguided.
- I'm not nearly as think as you confused I am.
- I'm not nuts, I'm differentially oriented.
- I'm not panicking. I'm examining all options at high speed.
- I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
- I'm not rude, I'm "attitudinally challenged".
- I'm NOT schizo! Oh, yes I AM!
- I'm not Schizophrenic! Yes I am! No I'm Not! Who are you?I'm not schizophrenic, I'm multifaceted
- I'm not schizophrenic, my mind multi-tasks.
- I'm not schizophrenic. It's this guy beside me!
- I'm not tense, just terribly alert...
- I'm only happy when I worry about stuff.
- I'm so modest I pull the curtains before changing my mind...
- I'm sorry I've been indulging in creative forgetting.
- I'm sorry, but my brain has developed a few bad sectors.
- I'm too simple to have a complex ... So I have a simplex.
- I'm too skeptical to deny the possibility of anything...
- I'm totally unprepared for everyday life.
- I'm weird, but around here it's barely noticable.
- I've got a mind like a... a... what's that thing called?
- I've got to take a break or I'll start talking to myself!
- I've had just about all I can take of myself.
- I've visited reality, there were dirty dishes there.
- If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
- If I look confused, it's because I'm thinking.
- If it doesn't have garlic or onion, it better be dessert!
- If little else, the brain is an educational toy.
- If reality wants to reach me, it knows where I am.
- If sanity were dollars I'd be bankrupt.
- If the cops throw a net over me, am I legally in seine?
- If your mind goes blank, remember to turn down the sound.
- Insanity -- The ORIGINAL artificial reality.
- Insanity is a rational reaction to an irrational world.
- Insanity is doing it again & expecting a different result.
- Insanity is fun if you do it right.
- Insanity is hereditary - you get it from your kids.
- Insanity is just a state of mind.
- Insanity runs in my family; it practically gallops.
- Insanity: Think of it as a survival skill!
- Insert brain, then type...
- IrepeatmyselfwhenunderstressIrepeatmyselfwhenunderstressI
- Is it still paranoia if they ARE ALL out to get me???
- Is it weird in here, or is it just me?
- Is this some conspiracy to make me look paranoid?
- It is better to build a child than to repair an adult.
- It's been Monday aaaaaaaaallllllll week!
- It's not that I *mind* being chained in the basement...
- Just another withdrawal from the insanity bank ....
- Just another wrinkle in the fabric of Reality.
- Just my luck - my psychotic episode is a rerun.
- Keep emotionally active. Cater to your favorite neurosis.
- Kids-They're not sleeping, they're recharging!
- Kiss me twice, I'm schizophrenic
- Last week I even forgot how to ride a bicycle.
- Life is just a figment of my imagination.
- Life is what happens while you are making other plans. <J Lennon>
- Light travels at the speed of thought.
- Living life on the edge of insanity ...
- Living life on the edge of insanity.. **NUDGE**
- Look into his eyes, and see if someone else is driving.
- Lost interest? It`s so bad I`ve lost apathy.
- LOVE: A temporary insanity curable by marriage
- LUNACY my Best personality trait!
- Lunatic asylum: where optimism most flourishes.
- Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change.
- Many are absent from reality physically and/or mentally.
- May all your hang-ups be drip-dry.
- May I call myself bad names and stomp upon ALL my toes!
- Messy is a matter of perspective!
- Most people make sense, I'm not one of them.
- Multitask...Think and type at the same time.
- Multitasking causes schizophrenia..
- My brain hurts...not my head...just my brain!
- My brain operation was considered minor surgery.
- My brain's in gear, neutral's a gear ain't it?
- My brain's not crippled, it's functionally challenged.
- My head hurts.....where are those plaid pills?
- My inner child is a sick little bitch!
- My logic escapes me at the moment
- My mind has been boggled...again and again.....
- My photographic memory just ran out of toner.
- My psychiatrist is Dr. Lecter.
- Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself.
- No Brain, No Pain.
- No sense being pessimistic. It wouldn't work anyway.
- Nobody can be exactly like me. Even I have trouble doing it.
- Not unlike having your brains lightly whipped into a smooth puree.
- Now now, we're not schizophrenic, are we?
- Of course I'm sane. The voices said so.
- Oh dear, I think you'll find reality's on the blink again.
- Oh, hell! My mood ring just exploded!
- Ok! I'm weird, but I'm saving up to become eccentric.
- OK, I admit it--_I_ was the one who made those crop circles in England
- OK, I'm confused. More than normal, that is.
- OK, who put a "stop payment" on my reality check?
- One moment please; we are adjusting the Reality parameters.
- One more day like today and I'll kill you
- Ooops. My brain just hit another bad sector.
- OOPS! I gotta go, here comes my keeper!
- Out of Mind. Back in 5 Minutes.
- Oxymoron: balanced insanity
- Paranoia is heightened awareness.
- PARANOID - One who is really in touch with reality.
- Paranoid: someone who just figured out what's going on.
- Policy does not imply that sanity is a Sysop requirement.
- Positive thinking: Believe everything positively stinks.
- Posted by one whose mind isn't twisted, but sprained
- Pretend to spank me -- I'm a pseudo-masochist!
- Proceed with Caution - Twisted Mind Under Construction!
- Prozac: Sometimes you feel like a nut - sometimes you don't.
- Psychiairic: Wherever you go, Your not all there
- Psychiatry - the care of the Id by the Odd
- Psychoanalysis is Freudulent.
- Psychoceramics: The study of crackpots.
- Quit bringing up reality...
- Reality Check: [E\........F] Hmmph! Thought so...
- Reality failure. Press enter to continuum.
- Reality? I'll only go as a tourist!
- Reports of my sanity have been greatly exaggerated.
- Roses are red, violets are blue; I'm schizophrenic and so am I.
- Sane? Hell, if I was sane why would I be here?
- Sanity and insanity are only two letters appart.
- Sanity Is A State Of Mind And I Moved Out Of State.
- Sanity is madness put to good use.
- Sanity is relative ... but not one of mine!
- Schizophrenia beats dining alone.
- Searching for light in the darkness of insanity.
- Seen it all, done it all, can't remember it all!
- Senility means never having to drink just to forget.
- Some people are, through no fault of their own, sane.
- Some people aren't equipped to attend a meeting of minds
- Some people come home to unwind; others come home to unravel.
- Somebody slapped a "stop payment" on my sanity check!
- Sometimes I Just Get Brain Farts ...
- Sorry about the crayon. They won't let me have any sharp objects.
- Sorry, the brain you have reached is disconnected.
- Stressed out, and someone to Choke... Can't get any better...
- Super-sado-masochistic-expialadocious!
- Sybil was a multi user.
- Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
- The more things change, the more they stay insane.
- The nonsensical ravings of a lunatic mind.
- The paranoids are conspiring against me...
- The problem with reality is, there is no background music.
- The refrigerator light DOES go out. Now let me out of here.
- The semi-conscious mind is a tricky thing.
- The trouble with 'normal' is that it always gets worse.
- There's a brain in my tumor.
- There's always the temptation to let other people think you're normal.
- There's someone in my mind and it's not me.
- To be or not to be, that always confused me!
- Today I am feeling ept, ane and sipid.
- Um.. I guess it's too late to plead insanity, right?
- Usually insane - In lucid moments, merely stupid.
- We had a meeting of the minds, but mine didn't show up.
- Welcome to insanity, on the right is the Sysops console.
- What has reality ever done for ME??
- When everybody's out to get you, paranoia is just good thinking.
- Whenever they put on the straight jacket, my nose itches.
- Where are those flashbacks they promised me?
- Where are we going and why am I in this Handbasket?
- Who said childbirth stops labor?
- Why can't life have a Snooze button?
- Why didn't Noah just swat those two mosquitoes?
- Your Honour, I wish to plead permanent insanity.